The main character Takumi Sumino was living an ordinary life in Tokyo Residential Complex. His peaceful days with his family and childhood friends are shattered by the sudden appearance of an unknown assailant.
The mysterious entity which calls itself “SIREI,” gives Takumi the unique ability “Hemoanima,” which he uses to escape the dire situation he is in but is then forced by “SIREI” to transfer to the Last Defense Academy.
Fifteen students have been brought together. The objective of the students, as communicated by “SIREI,” is to defend the school for 100 days against the oncoming enemy, i.e. the “School Invaders,” and to save humanity.
Kazutaka Kodaka (major works:Danganronpa series) and Kotaro Uchikoshi (major works: Zero Escape Series) have teamed up for the first time to direct and write the scenario for this new title and hence a new 100-day war ofwill now begin.